Grand Rapids "Gets" Housing

The 2024-04-11 meeting of the City Planning Commission was an update of the current Master Plan process, this being a recap of phase#3. There is one more phase (phase#4) to go.

A key result so far from the process is that the citizens of Grand Rapids understand the need for housing, and are ready for it. In many ways the citizens of this city are out ahead of their leadership, by a considerable distance.

The Rapid's Febuary Ridership (2024)

The Rapid's fixed-route ridership increased by 18.1% in February 2024 relative to February 2023. Evening ridership (+19%) continues to lead the recovery; although this may be slightly influenced by some reduced service in the AM schedule due to under-funding by the Democratic trifecta in Lansing. So far it looks like LBO (local bus operating) funding from the state of Michigan to urban transit operators will hit a record low in 2025.


The Stadium District Tower

Within the agenda packet for the 2024-03-27 meeting of the Grand Rapids Brownfield Authority (GR Grow), on pages 48 - 49, is a reference to a potential "Stadium District Tower":

Data Point: 2024-03-24, Revisting The ZORI

The ZORI is the Zillow Observed Rent Index from, you guessed it, Zillow, Zillow provides a variety of data at their Data page. We periodically check in on the ZORI to see what it says about rents in Grand Rapids.

Planning Agenda: 2024-03-28

The municipal agenda for the Planning Commission meeting on 2024-03-28 is ๐Ÿ‘‰here๐Ÿ‘ˆ

Zoning Reform Conversation, 2024-03-05

UPDATE 2024-03-12: Zoning text amendment adoption vote [or not] has been moved out to April 23rd, which will be a 7pm evening meeting.

At the 2024-03-05 Committee of the Whole (COW) discussed the proposed zoning / land-use reform proposals from the Planning Commission.

Planning Agenda: 2024-03-14

The municipal agenda for the Planning Commission meeting on 2024-03-14 is ๐Ÿ‘‰here๐Ÿ‘ˆ


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