
Mobility Update: 2024-10

There is a lot, very quietly, happening in the transportation space. On the surface not much is changing, other than related to ride-hailing / car-sharing, which I will cover first. Meanwhile, down below in the civic forges the bellows are pumping; we are either shaping the beginnings of a different future, or at least witnessing the death gasps of the status-quo. If voters choose wisely next month the stage is set for change; but we’ve been here before, don’t count those chickens just yet.

Mobility Update: 2024-02-12

There has been a great deal of mobility news in the past few months; 2024 is shaping up to be a big year.

A Mobility Update


Use of micromobility service (scooters and e-bikes) has increased 201% between 2022 and 2023. 2022 was a total of 163,690 rides, and 2023 January - August has already seen 262,155 rides.

Traffic Calming Proposal For Coit Ave (Belknap)

One item on the 2023-08-08 City Commission Agenda is to set the date for a public hearing regarding the rezoning of "210 Fairbanks St NE, 628, 636, 638, 644 and 646 Coit Ave NE which was recommended by the Planning Commission on 2023-07-13.

2035 Mobility Goals Update

The City's Strategic Plan sets a transportation mode shift goal of 55% by 2035; meaning that 55% of commuter trips would be made via a mode other than by a single occupant vehicle [aka: a car, or in the 21st Century, more accurately: "a massive SUV or pickup"].

Mobility Discussion @ Feb 26th Strategic Planning Session

The discussion of Mobility at the February 26th Strategic Planning Session begins at ~2:49:49. The purpose of the Strategic Plan is to link in a list of three to five year priorities the city's day to day operations and annual budget to the long range Master Plan(s). We still have to see how, or if, this works about but a focus on the materialization of long term planning goals is an admirable goal.

Some interesting points:

MobileGR, 2018-03-08

EV Charging Stations

Electric charging stations where installed in 2011.

  • 5 downtown (1 on-street)
  • 1 in Oak Industrial Park
  • 1 at Waste Water site.

All stations have been upgraded; new stations have two cords and have retaining clips to help keep the cords off the ground which was an issue with the previous charging stations.


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