
Affordability Tables 2025

Given that we are about to enter into a season of constant housing and land-use policy conversation it seems like a good time to update the "A"ffordable housing tables. The standard for "A"ffordabilty is for the total monthly housing costs not to exceed 30% of gross household income. For the state and federal governments this calculation is always made off of the median household income of the county; that is the number which matters in the context of block grants, tax credits, etc...

Southtown Lofts

A medium sized infill project is currently making its way through the Brownfield process. "Southtown Lofts" will replace an existing two-story building in an old business district with a new four-story Affordable housing development.

Kent County Affordable Housing Fund!

On 2023-08-10 the Kent County Board of Commissioners officially created the Kent Country Affordable Housing loan fund with a balance of $17.5 Million. In collaboration with IFF which will provide a ~230% match of the county's dollars to operational balance of the fund is $58.3 Million.

Housing NEXT Needs Update

The update of the Housing NEXT needs assessment has been released.

Document @ Housing Needs Assessment | Grand Rapids/Kent County, MI 2022 [PDF, 172 pages]

WMCAT's Housing [not] NOW Report

The WMCAT presentation to the City Commision with the results from the community out-reach events is available as PDF or ODP. The "original" Google Drive document is here.

The presentation to the City Commission on October 9th, 2018, is available on Youtube.

A Critique of NOW's ADU Proposal

It has been more than six months since the Housing NOW related zoning proposals were released, and then indefinitely tabled. I have yet to encounter a detailed critique of the proposals. Given the disappointing condition of the debate I've decided to offer one here for the topic of which I am most familiar: Accessory Dwelling Units [ADUs]. Are there problems with is proposal? The answer is "yes".

Shark Market, Dead In The Water. But there is other good news.

The news is official: "Partners shelve plans for small grocery store at 38 Commerce in downtown Grand Rapids". This in conjunction with the closing of award winning Propaganda Donuts ... it has not been a good month for retail in Grand Rapids.

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