ADU Convening
Submitted by whitemice on Wed, 11/04/2020 - 18:10

In October of 2020 Invest Health hosted a "convening" related to ADUs. The invited communities were Grand Rapids (MI), Missoiula (MT), Napa (CA), and Riverside (CA). The convenings were held for two hours over five days. The media and video of the convening are now available. Of particular interest is the financing options portion of day #2; local expertise in this area is extremely limited.
- Day 1: Equity and Access for Health: Why it Matters & How it Relates to ADUs (Video - Part 1, Video - Part 2)
- Day 2: Financing and Access to Capital for Low/Fixed Income Homeowners (Video)
- Day 3: Communications: Dealing with NIMBYism and ADU Development (Video)
- Day 4: Enabling Environment: Policy & Regulations That Support ADU Development (Video)
- Day 5: Showcasing ADUs Tour (Video)
Take away: the programs developed by other communities, particularly in cities where the state government has preempted "local control" of land use, are impressive.