Car Share
Car Sharing is a vehicle used - and driven by - multiple people, shared. This is distinct from Ride Share, which includes traditional taxi companies as well as Uber and Lyft, where the car is driven only by an operator or owner. To clear that up for anyone confused - Uber and Lyft are not car-sharing, they are ride-sharing.
Car Sharing Services Operating In Grand Rapids
Struck out services are defunct.
As of September, 2022 no car share services are operating in the city of Grand Rapids.
- Zipcar vehicles arrive in Grand Rapids, but with limited options, MLIVE, 2015-01
- This service, located near Crown Plaza (28th St) [Why?] is not longer available.
- Mayor George Heartwell wants Grand Rapids in car-sharing business, MLIVE, 2015-02
- Car share program coming, GRBJ, 2015-08
- It did not happen.
- Where 'car share' service may be available this fall in downtown Grand Rapids, MLIVE, 2015-08
- Nope.
- Could car sharing work in Grand Rapids?, MLIVE, 2018-03
- 2022-09: Still no news.
- Peer-to-peer car sharing [Turo] an option at Grand Rapids airport for holiday travelers, Crains, 2023-12
- August 23rd, 2023: MobileGR agenda item - it appears that Phase #1 of the municipal electric car share program is moving forward. Maybe something appears in mid-2024? Looks like it will be ~6 vehicles at first, in the "Burton Heights, Madison Heights, Eastown, and the John Ball Zoo area".
- Grand Rapids car-share pilot will let people rent a vehicle for $5 an hour, MLive 2024-01-24
- Mobility Update: 2024-10, UrbanGR 2024-10-06 Car share is here!