How To Contact The City Commission

The Grand Rapids City Commission In Meeting

Contacting the City Commission is as easy as an e-mail or phone call; yet there are some details worth knowing.

Property Sleuthing 101

Something is going down in your neighborhood! Some old building is being renovated, or a nearby lot is now littered with Ms. Dig flags. Or, perhaps, nothing is happening in your neighborhood and you are wise enough to be concerned about that; so what about that old building? In any case you want to do some research - but don't know how to start. Fortunately almost all the information you might be interested in is public record. It is only a trick of knowing where to find it. So, for an example, let's research 811 College Ave NE.


Planning Agenda: 2023-08-10

Amtrak's "Connects Us" Plan & Michigan

Amtrak has a new plan: Connect Us (PDF, 76 pages).

Amtrak may also be about to receive the largest infusion of funding seen in decades. What do they hope this means for Michigan service?


The Joint PC/CC Meeting, 2023-07-13

UPDATE 2023-09-19: Any proposed zoning reforms are now not expected to be heard until January, 2024. ๐Ÿ™„

UPDATE 2023-07-26: In comments related to the adoption of two city ordinances related to the unhoused population 2nd Ward Commissioner Knight made positive references to the zoning reforms; specifically to the number of unrelated persons allowed to live at a single address as well as more people being able to build accessory dwelling units.

The Hoopla Around Huff Park

UPDATE 2023-08-02: The owner of the properties backed out of the meeting of the Creston Land Use committee scheduled for 2023-08-02. You can read ๐Ÿ‘‰the letter from Copperrock Construction๐Ÿ‘ˆ. In short, there is no plan to present. This is a textbook example of an outbreak of NIMBY Fever.


Planning Agenda: 2023-07-13

UPDATE 2023-11-13: Related to 210 Fairbanks / 628 Coit Ave N - Resolution authorizing conditional approval of tax exemption and payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) โ€“ Union Suites on Coit II, City Commission agenda, 2023-11-14


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